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Welcome to the TreeChecker project of the Field Study Centre (Schulbiologiezentrum) Hannover

Did you know?
Trees make a big difference in urban areas: they help to cool cities and fight climate change, thus providing you with an agreeable, enjoyable environment and the city’s wildlife with food and shelter.
However, trees are in danger, especially in cities. They suffer from severe stress like drought, making them more susceptible for pests and diseases.
The number of ill trees has increased in the last few years. Some tree diseases like ash dieback and chestnut dieback have progressed tremendously.
But you can make a difference!
There are many questions:
Which trees are less susceptible to pests and diseases in cities?
Do some diseases attack only particular species?
Are there differences between particular areas for some pests and diseases?
Can you find pathways of spreading?
Is the number of trees affected by mistletoes in big cities larger than in rural areas?
Can ashes be found that are resistant against ash dieback?

You can help us and scientists to monitor and protect our trees in urban areas, but also in woodlands.The best time to complete this survey is between May and September.

How can you take part?

Step 1 – Download and print the survey documents.

a) The TreeChecker Recording Data Sheet
b) The disease identification key
c) Download Plant disease survey sheet
d) Tree identification UK woodland trust app or
e) Eikes Baumschule

Step 2 – Find a site with safe access to one or more broadleaved trees and start your survey!

Step 3 – Tell us your results and enter new data online.

Problems entering your results online?
Please send your results to:

Schulbiologiezentrum Hannover
Vinnhorster Weg 2
30419 Hannover
Tel: 0511 168 476 65
Fax: 0511 168 473 52